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Implantes de gel cohesivo |
Tan pronto como desperte pregunte si el cirujano habia podido insertar los implantes de gel cohesivo de 401 cc que yo queria. El medico me habia prometido que haria lo posible pero que la decision final la tomaria en el salon. Lo logro. Mis implantes son de la marca Natrelle.
Me sorprendio la falta de dolor; sentia un malestar muy general, como si hubiese hecho algunas planchas el dia anterior; en realidad lo que mas me molestaba era el ajustador-corset elastizado que me pusieron. Me tome dos Tylenols III al llegar a casa y nada mas con la excepcion de los antinflamatorios. Algunos amigos vinieron a visitarme esa noche; en cierto momento senti que tendria que acostarme un rato porque me sentia exhausta pero luego de unos minutos en cama me recupere. Si me costo dormir porque no suelo dormir boca arriba y desperte varias veces esa primera noche.
2do dia: Fue largo y aburrido, trate de leer y ver alguna pelicula pero estaba muy ansiosa; comi mas de lo usual tambien. Logre completar dos traducciones cortas que tenia pendientes y logre dormir un poco en la tarde. Segundo dia sin bañarme por prescripcion facultativa y me senti bastante sucia.
3er dia: El sabado me quite el ajustador-corset que me estaba matando y me di mi primera ducha, fue el momento de quitarme el desinfectante rojo-rosado con el que me habian cubierto el torax y las marcas de plumon en el pecho. Ver mis pechos me emociono; perfectamente redondos y parejos, tal vez un poquito altos pero el cirujano me dijo que eventualmente ‘caerian’ un poco y quedarian justo donde deben estar. Hay un poco de inflamacion pero nada de hematomas. Me probe un ajustador ‘normal’ y me quedo perfecto. Gracias a Dios el medico se equivoco; me habia dicho que mis pezones podrian quedar demasiado sensibles o completamente insensibles; siento lo mismo que antes de la cirugia, incluso los pezones quedaron bien centrados, los resultados son fenomenales!
Tuve amigos en casa todo el dia, me trajeron ensaladas, jugos y helado, cocinaron y luego comimos todos juntos; me abrumaba tanta gente en mi pequeña ‘cueva’ –en algun momento conte y eramos 14- pero la pasamos bien, tambien tuve que mostrarles mi reciente ‘adquisision’; fue bien divertido.
Mis senos nuevos no se sienten pesados, para nada, siento la piel tirante pero la sensacion es soportable y natural; el ajustador elastizado ha sido lo peor. Me siento realmente bien hoy, hasta lleve a una amiga a su casa en mi carrito. Creo que se acerca el momento de estrenar mi bikini en la piscina de la YMCA.
La recuperacion completa tomara todo un mes. No puedo reanudar mis sagrados ejercicios hasta entonces. No estoy acostumbrada a esta inactividad y sigo comiendo mas de lo que debia, aun un poco ansiosa. Espero estar bien para el martes o el miercoles; el jueves regreso a la oficina.
English version
Breast implants
Day One
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Cohesive gel implants |
I went for my surgery on Thursday, September 16. The procedure took 2 hours plus an hour in the recovery room. The clinic is beautiful and the equipment is state-of-the-art. Dr. Shenker’s staff is fantastic and good humour prevailed. When they had me all prepped for surgery on the operating table I asked what would happen if I chickened out right at that moment and the anesthetist said "Oh, my God, I got to rush", we had a good chuckle.
As soon as I woke up I asked if the surgeon had been able to insert the 401cc’s cohesive gel implants that I wanted; he had not guaranteed me he would be able to but had given me a 95% assurance that he might be able to do it. He did. The brand name of my implants is Natrelle.
I was surprised at the lack of acute pain. I had some minor discomfort, as if I had done a few push-ups the day before but the thing that really bothered me was the surgical spandex bra. I took a couple of Tylenol III’s when I got home but that was it. I just kept taking the anti-inflammatory but no more Tylenol. Some of my friends came over to see me the same night and at some point I had to lay down for a bit as I felt exhausted all of a sudden but I was ok after a few minutes on bed. It was hard to get some sleep as I am not used to sleep on my back; I woke up several times during the night and didn’t have too much sleep.
Day Two
The next day was long and boring. I tried to read/watch movies etc, but I was somewhat anxious and ate more than I needed to. I completed the translation of a couple of short documents in the morning which took me an hour and managed to get some sleep in the afternoon. I didn’t shower the second day as per the doctor’s advise and I felt yucky all day.
Day Three
On Saturday I took off the elastic surgical bra that was killing me and took my first shower. It felt good!. I got rid of all the red disinfectant stains on my thorax and the felt pen marks the surgeon had drawn on my chest. I have no bruises whatsoever and only some minor swelling. I was thrilled at the sight of my boobies, they are perfectly round and even, still sitting a bit too high but the doctor said that would be the case and that they will descend eventually, they are still a bit swollen but I had no hematomas or bruises. I even tried on a regular bra and they fit perfectly well. Thank God, the doctor was wrong, he said my nipples would be completely numb or too sensitive but they are just as normal as before the surgery. He was able to make the nipples sit right in the middle of the breasts. Great job!
I had friends over all day, they brought me fruit salads, juice and ice cream, they cooked at my place and we all had dinner together, I was a bit overwhelmed with so many people in my little hole on the ground, at some point we were 14 people here… but we had a great time; needless to say, I had to show them all my recent 'acquisition'. It was fun.
My new boobs don't feel heavy at all and they feel quite natural, I feel my skin really tight but it is quite bearable, the surgical bra was killing me though. I feel really well, I even drove one of my friends to her place tonight. I can't wait till after January to wear that bikini to the YMCA pool!!
Full recovery is supposed to take a month, I can't resume my exercises until then (darn!) I am not used to this kind of inactivity and I am a bit anxious and I am still eating more than I should. I'll be nearly recovered to do my regular work by Tuesday or Wednesday but I won't be back in the office until Thursday.